Never judge a book by it's cover? "Impossible," I say! Book covers are one of my favorite things to judge. I LOooooVE a good cover. I shudder at the bad. I swoon over the beautiful: the fonts, the paper choices, the color pallets.
The other day I was in Target, browsing their book section on a whim (I'd gone in for makeup remover, sugar and a birthday gift for a friend of Kate's). After browsing through some titles, and then spending 45 minutes speed reading nearly an entire book (do you ever do that? read a book standing there in the aisle with your cart?) I happened on to a collection of classics with newly designed covers by Penguin Publishing. I literally gasped with excitement. Embroidered cover art! Aren't they beautiful?! and incredibly clever! I came home and did a little research. This series, called Penguin Threads, features the work of artist Jillian Tamaki. She sketched them in a traditional illustrative manner, then hand-stitched them using needle and thread. The final covers are sculpt embossed for a tactile, textured, and beautiful book design. They are beyond amazing. You should run to a bookstore right now and see them in person.
Now I'm thinking – wouldn't it be cool to embroider a book cover as wall art? You could create your own design of a favorite book or use an image from an existing cover. I'm definitely putting that on my list of things to do. I think I'd do "To Kill A Mockingbird" and then hang it in my office. I could even try to duplicate this cover:
I just love this cover. It's probably my favorite of all the versions for this book. I think I'll need to improve my embroidery skill A LOT to be able to attempt something like this, but someday . . .
Oh, one more note on covers: did you know that books usually have differently designed covers for the UK and US printings? They're sometimes similar, but often VERY different. I think it's interesting that people in different countries prefer a different look in cover design. I wonder why. Hmmm. I may have to see if I can find out more . . .
Just seen your post over at Posy gets Cosy - those covers are beautiful. Especially love the Little Women sampler cover. I hope we get them over here - I feel a bit of a collection coming on. Pop by to see my foxgloves too!
ReplyDeleteI think I may have to collect them all too! They're amazing. I tried to link to your blog to see your foxgloves . . . but alas I cannot find you!? Can you send a link?
DeleteHello Jenny~I just found you thru your comment on "Posie Gets Cozy". I think we must have been separated at birth-I see so many similarities as I read thru your blog-what fun! I love Missoula, we spent a few summers living in Columbia Falls while my husband worked in Glacier-I LOVE Montana. I'm headed to Target to check out those books-To Kill a Mockingbird also one of my fav's (see I told you) we just bought a house and I noticed we have an old tree that has a hollow limb, just like the one where Boo put the treasure in for Jem and Scout. Your writitng has given me inspiration to write more on my blog and share the things I love, I've been a little lax in that area. I'll keep reading!
ReplyDeleteHi Rebecca ~ I'm so glad you found me! I can tell we're twins just by the fact that you seem to love to use the long-dash in writing – I use it constantly. :)
DeleteThat's so fun that you're new home has a "Boo tree." Maybe you could put little things in it for the neighbor kids.
I'll hop over and check out your blog as well.
Love book covers. But I am actually cheering especially for your post about your marriage. Beautifully expressed and true. Happy anniversary and wishing you more of the same as you journey.
ReplyDeleteAlways judge a book by its cover....
ReplyDeleteHi Jennifer, It's me again~Just returned from Target and couldn't find the books you posted about, I'll have to look elsewhere, maybe Barnes & Noble or Amazon. I read a blog called Sew Technicolor at www.missvintagegirl.blogspot.com she embroidered the "To Kill a Mockingbird" book cover that you have in your post today-just thought you might be interested, she may have the pattern on her blog (I don't remember). Thanks for the great ideas.
ReplyDeleteShe did?! Oh my goodness, I'll have to check it out. I see amazon carries the Penguin series too.
DeleteEmbroidering a book cover - what a wonderful idea! I love it. I will add it to my growing craft list. But which book to choose.
ReplyDeleteI spent years working in a bookshop and was always intrigued by the way jacket designs (and sometimes titles!) changed to appeal to a different market. I too share your love of book covers. I love the weight, feel and smell of a book - an e-book can't replace that.
Ah, the smell of books. I wish it could be bottled and sold as a room diffuser. :)