July 1, 2012

Very Bad Dog

Tule is in big trouble and my "alreadyabitpathetic" garden now looks like a pile of dirt. 

I went out to water the garden boxes this afternoon to find she had somehow opened the gate (okay, it was probably left unlatched, but still...) and was busy helping herself to a berry and herb salad. She consumed every single one of my lovely strawberry plants! My first strawberry patch, gone – and just yesterday I'd been admiring the delicate little white blooms and tiny pink berries forming. And when I say she consumed them I mean she ate every single leaf, stem, bud, root (yes, not a root to be seen!). There was one lone sprig left in the dirt.

Plus she snacked on my thyme, basil and rosemary, leaving a mess of tattered roots. Apparently she's not a fan of cilantro, as those plants were standing in perky pristine condition. 

Grrrrr. Dogs. Hmmmpf.

So much for my small move towards sustainability. (I love it when I try to kid myself that growing a few veggies makes me part of the sustainability movement.) 


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Natalie. I am feeling very sorry for myself right now.

  2. Jenny, would you believe the squirrels ate all our strawberries last year so we did not bother to plant any this year!?!
    Not the same as your loss, but just trying to say I care...
    Gracie <3

    1. Squirrels! I hadn't even thought they might get into my garden too. They do clean out our birdfeeders (to my husband's aggravation).

  3. She looks very contrite-or is that a guilty look? I'm so sorry, it's so frustrating when all your hard work is ruined :( We had a Golden who use to dig like crazy in the flower beds. One day I came home and saw this perfectly dug trench, I thought the phone company had come to do something, but no it was Sam, diggin a new spot! I used all sorts of tricks to try and keep her out, but to no avail, she loved to dig and lay in the flowers-but never eat them (that is kinda funny-sorry) You do have lovely dark soil tho-I'm just jealous, ours is red clay like. Is it too late to begin again?

    1. She's pretty contrite I think. That's too funny about your dog and the "phone company" trench.

      I think I'll begin again - even if we don't get any strawberries this year at least they'll have a start on the growing season next year.

  4. Bad dog! My in-law's Jack Russell dug up a load of seeds I'd slowly and lovingly sewn. I was very cross. Dogs and gardens don't really mix, but your dog does look very contrite.

    1. Oh goodness - if my in-law's dog had done this I'd been even more crabby! At least it's my dog so I have enough affinity for her sweet face that I have to forgive her quickly.


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